how to cure a hangover
Posted on MsJekYll'z Absinthe Forum
Topic created by Arty
on Wed, 11 Jan 2012 at 13:02
Arty said on Wed, 11 Jan 2012 at 13:02...
Any good ideas about how to cure the mother of all hangovers welcome I must qualify that this is NOT an absinthe hangover (never had any probs there) BUT a classic RED WINE and COGNAC hangover. Help!
ty9 said on Thu, 12 Jan 2012 at 08:58...
I NEVER get hangovers from absinthe....quite the opposite...wake up fresh and bright! Not really surprising as absinthe is full of nature.. herbs, botanicals and no nasty sugars.
My understanding is that hangovers are caused by sugars & also artificial colorants - the kind you find in cheap red "wine" How to cure? Hmmmmm...don't they say "hair of the dog"
La Fee Vertigo said on Thu, 12 Jan 2012 at 12:49...
Dog hairs! Out damn Spot!! and take that old bone with ye.
Fried food they say is a cure, also Bloody Mary (but that's a hair of the dog hangover cure) Drink loads of water before sleep? Don't mix drinks...list goes on. Time is the only cure though.
Old Nick said on Sun, 15 Jan 2012 at 12:04...
"Time is the only cure though"
How very philosophical of you, LFV! Time is a cure for life and so is drinking of course! Never got a headache (or any for of hangover) with absinthe either, strange isn't it?
Tante Leen said on Wed, 18 Jan 2012 at 15:03...
Peppermint water and nutmeg is a traditional cure. Avoid coffee as it makes you more thirsty.
La Fee Vertigo said on Wed, 18 Jan 2012 at 19:21...
peppermint for stomach upset I suppose...
THEABSINTHEPROFESSOR said on Thu, 19 Jan 2012 at 10:23...
Sea air is a great hangover cure for me. Or drink quality vodka (or absinthe for that matter) as high grade spirits will not give y'all that head-thumping, dry, sick, tired feeling.
Holy Joe said on Mon, 23 Jan 2012 at 15:53...
I suspect that eel (steeped in wine) was a hangover cure at one time...
La Fee Vertigo said on Fri, 3 Feb 2012 at 18:54...
Ice cold shower will cure a hangover + walking backwards down a garden lane with a daffodil up one nose singing Ave Maria might help as well.
THEABSINTHEPROFESSOR said on Tue, 7 Feb 2012 at 22:16...
The late & great Hunter S. Thompson's puzzling hangover cure...... It was found recently handwritten on some Beverly Hills Hotel stationary. It reads "my hangover cure", and it advises 12 amyl nitrite (a box), "together with as many a beer as may be necessary".
My further investigation reveals that amyl nitrite is, unlike absinthe one substanse not to be abused. Reading between the lines, on several sites, you are advised to:
Huff only with the windows wide open (without putting anywhere near nose or mouth (what??)). Wash whatever parts you may have accidentally spilled it on. Run to to a doc pronto should you get the stuff in your eyes. Oh, and don't drink amyl, obviously. May cause life malfunction.
La Fee Vertigo said on Thu, 9 Feb 2012 at 11:04...
Professor Amyl discovers poppers shock news! Mason Verger (one of Hannibal Lecter's victims) takes a sniff of amyl before getting done over by Dr L. Not your sort of film, Prof? not high brow enough perhaps. They are mostly used by gentlemen of the shirt elevating variety.
THEABSINTHEPROFESSOR said on Sat, 11 Feb 2012 at 19:29...
Obscure references in films is not my forte. I am getting a bit tired of LFV's rudeness (viz Professor Amyl, anything Swiss..the list goes on) they are often ad hominem and betray a certain nastiness, Nick?
Old Nick said on Mon, 13 Feb 2012 at 10:16...
Agreed. Pipe down LFV & watch your step please.
La Fee Vertigo said on Tue, 14 Feb 2012 at 16:37...
Aaaah! Perhaps if I didn't get a rise out of the venerable Professor Amyl I'd not be so tempted. I wonder what the Pope in Rome suggests for a hangover? poppers....maybe not!
Tante Leen said on Sun, 19 Feb 2012 at 10:37...
A greasy breakfast can help with the morning after! Also I like a nice fizzy tablet called Alka Seltzer
Asdf said on Sat, 26 May 2012 at 22:16...
I feel lightheaded etc from absinthe the next morning, but it feels good. Never felt really bad from absinthe. It's Swiss, but of course just standard bar absinthes, not the real stuff (hard to get).
Hangover cures are for me eating something sometimes (especially once you have the hangover already, I think it's important). Drinking lots of water is the safest cure. I can judge quite well on how I feel, how much, if any, water I should drink before going to sleep.
With 10 whisky/havanna cokes I can sometimes go to sleep without needing any, then another day, after 4 beers I would need a liter or so. If I feel really drunk, I would drink 1.5-2 liters. Main motivation is, I don't wanna feel screwed all day the next day, so I drink the water. Anyways, worked every time!
james04k said on Wed, 12 Jun 2013 at 05:23...
Thanks everyone for sharing your experience but i think easy, useful and inexpensive <a href="">hangover cure</a> is to do workout before hangover i mean before your drunkenness convert into hangover and also drink plenty of water to keep you well hydrated.
james04k said on Wed, 12 Jun 2013 at 05:24...
Thanks everyone for sharing your experience but i think easy, useful and inexpensive [url=]hangover cure[/url] is to do workout before hangover i mean before your drunkenness convert into hangover and also drink plenty of water to keep you well hydrated.

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